feat: gpx file

Khiem Ton 2 years ago
parent b85c6d491a
commit 901a0e4eec
Signed by: th4tkh13m

@ -5,4 +5,7 @@
<orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="iSpoof_dev" jdkType="Python SDK" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<component name="PackageRequirementsSettings">
<option name="versionSpecifier" value="Don't specify version" />

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" project-jdk-name="iSpoof_dev" project-jdk-type="Python SDK" />
<component name="PythonCompatibilityInspectionAdvertiser">
<option name="version" value="3" />

@ -1,28 +1,40 @@
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from ispoof.spoofer.location import Location
from ispoof.spoofer.device import Device
from ispoof.lists.playerhistory import PlayerHistory
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from math import ceil
import gpxpy
import time
TIME = 1
class Player:
def __init__(self, engine, location=None, cooldown=0):
def __init__(self, engine, speed=1.4, location=None, cooldown=0):
self.location = location
self.cooldown = cooldown
self.speed = speed
self.history = PlayerHistory(engine=engine)
self.device = Device()
def prepare_device(self):
def set_location_with_query(self, query):
loc = Nominatim(user_agent="GetLoc")
get_loc = loc.geocode(query)
self.location = Location(get_loc.latitude, get_loc.longitude)
def get_last_activity(self):
return self.history.get_last_activity()
def set_location(self, location: Location):
self.location = location
def do_activity(self, location: Location):
return self.history.add_activity(location)
@ -58,3 +70,36 @@ class Player:
if do_activity:
def set_last_location(self):
_, location = self.get_last_activity()
def set_speed(self, speed):
self.speed = speed
def gpx_walking(self, gpx_file):
with open(gpx_file) as f:
gpx = gpxpy.parse(f)
gpx_points = []
for track in gpx.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
for point in segment.points:
gpx_points.append(Location(point.latitude, point.longitude))
num_location_points = len(gpx_points)
point_lst = []
for i in range(num_location_points - 1):
start = gpx_points[i]
end = gpx_points[i+1]
distance = start.calculate_distance(end)
_time = distance / self.speed
num_points = int((distance * 1000) / self.speed) + 1
intermediate_points = start.generate_intermediate_points(end, num_points)
point_lst = point_lst + intermediate_points
for point in point_lst:

@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ import tempfile
import zipfile
from tqdm import tqdm
from ispoof.utils import get_home_folder
from ispoof.spoofer.location import Location
DEVELOPER_DISK_IMAGE_URL = 'https://github.com/pdso/DeveloperDiskImage/raw/master/{ios_version}/{ios_version}.zip'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def download_developer_disk_image(ios_version, directory):
def download_developer_disk_image(ios_version: str, directory: Path):
url = DEVELOPER_DISK_IMAGE_URL.format(ios_version=ios_version)
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ class Device:
logger.debug("Image is mounted.")
def spoof_gps(self, destination):
def spoof_gps(self, destination: Location):
if self.location is None:
self.location = DtSimulateLocation(self.lockdown)
self.location.set(destination.latitude, destination.longitude)

@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
from math import radians, sin, cos, asin, sqrt
from __future__ import annotations
from math import radians, sin, cos, asin, sqrt, atan2, degrees
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, String
from typing import List
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
class Location(TypeDecorator):
impl = String
cache_ok = True
def __init__(self, latitude=None, longitude=None):
def __init__(self, latitude: float = None, longitude: float = None):
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
def get_tuple(self):
return self.latitude, self.longitude
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value:
return str(value)
@ -22,72 +28,77 @@ class Location(TypeDecorator):
# Provide the implementation for the specified dialect
return dialect.type_descriptor(String)
def distance(self, other):
R = 6371
def calculate_distance(self, other: Location):
return Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(*self.get_tuple(), *other.get_tuple())["s12"] / 1000
d_lat = radians(self.latitude - other.latitude)
d_lon = radians(self.longitude - other.longitude)
def generate_intermediate_points(self, other: Location, num_points) -> List[Location]:
# Calculate the distance between the start and end points
_distance = self.calculate_distance(other) * 1000
spacing = _distance / (num_points + 1)
a = sin(d_lat/2) * sin(d_lat/2) +\
sin(d_lon/2) * sin(d_lon/2) * cos(radians(self.latitude)) * cos(radians(other.latitude))
c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
d = R * c
# Calculate the intermediate points along the geodesic line
points = []
for i in range(1, num_points + 1):
# Calculate the position of the i-th intermediate point
d = i * spacing
g = Geodesic.WGS84.InverseLine(*self.get_tuple(), *other.get_tuple()).Position(d)
lat, lon = g['lat2'], g['lon2']
points.append(Location(lat, lon))
return d
return points
def get_cooldown(self, other):
distance = self.distance(other)
_distance = self.calculate_distance(other)
if distance <= 2:
if _distance <= 2:
return 1
elif distance <= 5:
elif _distance <= 5:
return 2
elif distance <= 7:
elif _distance <= 7:
return 5
elif distance <= 10:
elif _distance <= 10:
return 7
elif distance <= 12:
elif _distance <= 12:
return 8
elif distance <= 18:
elif _distance <= 18:
return 10
elif distance <= 26:
elif _distance <= 26:
return 15
elif distance <= 42:
elif _distance <= 42:
return 19
elif distance <= 65:
elif _distance <= 65:
return 22
elif distance <= 81:
elif _distance <= 81:
return 25
elif distance <= 100:
elif _distance <= 100:
return 35
elif distance <= 220:
elif _distance <= 220:
return 40
elif distance <= 250:
elif _distance <= 250:
return 45
elif distance <= 350:
elif _distance <= 350:
return 51
elif distance <= 375:
elif _distance <= 375:
return 54
elif distance <= 460:
elif _distance <= 460:
return 62
elif distance <= 500:
elif _distance <= 500:
return 65
elif distance <= 565:
elif _distance <= 565:
return 69
elif distance <= 700:
elif _distance <= 700:
return 78
elif distance <= 800:
elif _distance <= 800:
return 84
elif distance <= 900:
elif _distance <= 900:
return 92
elif distance <= 1000:
elif _distance <= 1000:
return 99
elif distance <= 1100:
elif _distance <= 1100:
return 107
elif distance <= 1200:
elif _distance <= 1200:
return 114
elif distance <= 1300:
elif _distance <= 1300:
return 117
return 120
@ -105,6 +116,6 @@ class Location(TypeDecorator):
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.latitude, self.longitude))
return hash(self.get_tuple())

@ -2,92 +2,102 @@ from ispoof.objects.player import Player
from ispoof.spoofer.scraper import Scraper
from ispoof.spoofer.device import Device
from ispoof.lists import PokemonList, RaidList
from pathlib import Path
from ispoof.data import Database
if __name__ == "__main__":
device = Device()
database = Database()
engine = database.get_engine()
player = Player(engine=engine)
query = input("Enter your location: ")
print("Choose Location")
print("1. Last location")
print("2. Provided location")
while True:
location_input = int(input("Choose: "))
if location_input in (1, 2):
if location_input == 1:
query = input("Enter your location: ")
scraper = Scraper()
pokemon_lst = PokemonList(engine=engine)
raid_lst = RaidList(engine=engine)
# while True:
# print("1. Raid")
# print("2. Pokemon")
# print("3. GPX file")
# raid_or_mon = int(input("Choose 1: "))
# if raid_or_mon == 1:
# raids = scraper.get_raids()
# raid_lst.insert_to_database(raids)
# print("1. Sort by name")
# print("2. Sort by level")
# print("3. Sort by distance")
# print("4. Search name")
# choice = int(input("Your choice: "))
# if choice == 1:
# raids = raid_lst.sort_by_name()
# elif choice == 2:
# raids = raid_lst.sort_by_level()
# elif choice == 3:
# raids = raid_lst.sort_by_distance(player.location)
# else:
# raids = raid_lst.search_by_name(input("Enter query: "))
# print("Raid List:")
# for i, raid in enumerate(raids):
# print(i, raid)
# i = int(input("Choose raid: "))
# pokemon = raids[i]
# location = raid.location
# else:
# pokemons = scraper.get_hundos()
# pokemon_lst.insert_to_database(pokemons)
# print("1. Sort by name")
# print("2. Sort by level")
# print("3. Sort by CP")
# print("4. Sort by distance")
# print("5. Search name")
# choice = int(input("Your choice: "))
# if choice == 1:
# pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_name()
# elif choice == 2:
# pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_level()
# elif choice == 3:
# pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_cp()
# elif choice == 4:
# pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_distance(player.location)
# else:
# pokemons = pokemon_lst.search_by_name(input("Enter query: "))
# print("Pokemon List:")
# for i, pokemon in enumerate(pokemons):
# print(i, pokemon)
# i = int(input("Choose pokemon: "))
# pokemon = pokemons[i]
# location = pokemon.location
# pokemon_lst.visit_pokemon(pokemon)
# device.spoof_gps(location)
# did_activity = None
# print("Spoof to")
# print(pokemon)
# while True:
# activity = input("Did you do any cooldown activities? [Y/N] ").lower()
# if activity in ("y", "n"):
# did_activity = activity == "y"
# break
# player.change_gps_by_location(location, did_activity)
# print(f"Current cooldown: {player.get_current_cooldown()} min")
while True:
print("1. Raid")
print("2. Pokemon")
raid_or_mon = int(input("Choose 1: "))
if raid_or_mon == 1:
raids = scraper.get_raids()
print("1. Sort by name")
print("2. Sort by level")
print("3. Sort by distance")
print("4. Search name")
choice = int(input("Your choice: "))
if choice == 1:
raids = raid_lst.sort_by_name()
elif choice == 2:
raids = raid_lst.sort_by_level()
elif choice == 3:
raids = raid_lst.sort_by_distance(player.location)
raids = raid_lst.search_by_name(input("Enter query: "))
print("Raid List:")
for i, raid in enumerate(raids):
print(i, raid)
i = int(input("Choose raid: "))
pokemon = raids[i]
location = raid.location
pokemons = scraper.get_hundos()
print("1. Sort by name")
print("2. Sort by level")
print("3. Sort by CP")
print("4. Sort by distance")
print("5. Search name")
choice = int(input("Your choice: "))
if choice == 1:
pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_name()
elif choice == 2:
pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_level()
elif choice == 3:
pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_cp()
elif choice == 4:
pokemons = pokemon_lst.sort_by_distance(player.location)
pokemons = pokemon_lst.search_by_name(input("Enter query: "))
print("Pokemon List:")
for i, pokemon in enumerate(pokemons):
print(i, pokemon)
i = int(input("Choose pokemon: "))
pokemon = pokemons[i]
location = pokemon.location
did_activity = None
print("Spoof to")
while True:
activity = input("Did you do any cooldown activities? [Y/N] ").lower()
if activity in ("y", "n"):
did_activity = activity == "y"
player.change_gps_by_location(location, did_activity)
print(f"Current cooldown: {player.get_current_cooldown()} min")
player.gpx_walking(Path.home() / "Downloads/Sydney.gpx")
while True:
continue_prompt = input("Continue? [Y/N] ").lower()
if continue_prompt in ("y", "n"):
if continue_prompt == "n":

@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ lxml