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Time Shifting¶
Sometimes you may need to shift all your data up or down along the time series index. In fact, a lot of pandas built-in methods do this under the hood. This isn't something we'll do often in the course, but it's definitely good to know about this anyways!
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../Data/starbucks.csv',index_col='Date',parse_dates=True)
.shift() forward¶
This method shifts the entire date index a given number of rows, without regard for time periods (months & years).
It returns a modified copy of the original DataFrame.
# NOTE: You will lose that last piece of data that no longer has an index!
.shift() backwards¶
Shifting based on Time Series Frequency Code¶
We can choose to shift index values up or down without realigning the data by passing in a freq argument.
This method shifts dates to the next period based on a frequency code. Common codes are 'M' for month-end and 'A' for year-end.
Refer to the Time Series Offset Aliases table from the Time Resampling lecture for a full list of values, or click here.
# Shift everything forward one month
df.shift(periods=1, freq='M').head()
For more info on time shifting visit http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.shift.html
Up next we'll look at rolling and expanding!