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Groupby Operations and Multi-level Index

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('mpg.csv')
In [3]:
mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year origin name
0 18.0 8 307.0 130 3504 12.0 70 1 chevrolet chevelle malibu
1 15.0 8 350.0 165 3693 11.5 70 1 buick skylark 320
2 18.0 8 318.0 150 3436 11.0 70 1 plymouth satellite
3 16.0 8 304.0 150 3433 12.0 70 1 amc rebel sst
4 17.0 8 302.0 140 3449 10.5 70 1 ford torino
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
393 27.0 4 140.0 86 2790 15.6 82 1 ford mustang gl
394 44.0 4 97.0 52 2130 24.6 82 2 vw pickup
395 32.0 4 135.0 84 2295 11.6 82 1 dodge rampage
396 28.0 4 120.0 79 2625 18.6 82 1 ford ranger
397 31.0 4 119.0 82 2720 19.4 82 1 chevy s-10

398 rows × 9 columns

groupby() method

In [4]:
# Creates a groupby object waiting for an aggregate method
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x00000246790FEC88>

Adding an aggregate method call. To use a grouped object, you need to tell pandas how you want to aggregate the data.

Common Options:

mean(): Compute mean of groups
sum(): Compute sum of group values
size(): Compute group sizes
count(): Compute count of group
std(): Standard deviation of groups
var(): Compute variance of groups
sem(): Standard error of the mean of groups
describe(): Generates descriptive statistics
first(): Compute first of group values
last(): Compute last of group values
nth() : Take nth value, or a subset if n is a list
min(): Compute min of group values
max(): Compute max of group values

Full List at the Online Documentation:

In [5]:
# model_year becomes the index! It is NOT a column name,it is now the name of the index
mpg cylinders displacement weight acceleration origin
70 17.689655 6.758621 281.413793 3372.793103 12.948276 1.310345
71 21.250000 5.571429 209.750000 2995.428571 15.142857 1.428571
72 18.714286 5.821429 218.375000 3237.714286 15.125000 1.535714
73 17.100000 6.375000 256.875000 3419.025000 14.312500 1.375000
74 22.703704 5.259259 171.740741 2877.925926 16.203704 1.666667
75 20.266667 5.600000 205.533333 3176.800000 16.050000 1.466667
76 21.573529 5.647059 197.794118 3078.735294 15.941176 1.470588
77 23.375000 5.464286 191.392857 2997.357143 15.435714 1.571429
78 24.061111 5.361111 177.805556 2861.805556 15.805556 1.611111
79 25.093103 5.827586 206.689655 3055.344828 15.813793 1.275862
80 33.696552 4.137931 115.827586 2436.655172 16.934483 2.206897
81 30.334483 4.620690 135.310345 2522.931034 16.306897 1.965517
82 31.709677 4.193548 128.870968 2453.548387 16.638710 1.645161
In [6]:
avg_year = df.groupby('model_year').mean()
In [7]:
Int64Index([70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82], dtype='int64', name='model_year')
In [8]:
Index(['mpg', 'cylinders', 'displacement', 'weight', 'acceleration', 'origin'], dtype='object')
In [9]:
70    17.689655
71    21.250000
72    18.714286
73    17.100000
74    22.703704
75    20.266667
76    21.573529
77    23.375000
78    24.061111
79    25.093103
80    33.696552
81    30.334483
82    31.709677
Name: mpg, dtype: float64
In [10]:
70    17.689655
71    21.250000
72    18.714286
73    17.100000
74    22.703704
75    20.266667
76    21.573529
77    23.375000
78    24.061111
79    25.093103
80    33.696552
81    30.334483
82    31.709677
Name: mpg, dtype: float64
In [11]:
mpg cylinders ... acceleration origin
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean ... 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
70 29.0 17.689655 5.339231 9.0 14.000 16.00 22.000 27.0 29.0 6.758621 ... 15.000 20.5 29.0 1.310345 0.603765 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0
71 28.0 21.250000 6.591942 12.0 15.500 19.00 27.000 35.0 28.0 5.571429 ... 16.125 20.5 28.0 1.428571 0.741798 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
72 28.0 18.714286 5.435529 11.0 13.750 18.50 23.000 28.0 28.0 5.821429 ... 16.625 23.5 28.0 1.535714 0.792658 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
73 40.0 17.100000 4.700245 11.0 13.000 16.00 20.000 29.0 40.0 6.375000 ... 16.000 21.0 40.0 1.375000 0.667467 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
74 27.0 22.703704 6.420010 13.0 16.000 24.00 27.000 32.0 27.0 5.259259 ... 17.000 21.0 27.0 1.666667 0.832050 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
75 30.0 20.266667 4.940566 13.0 16.000 19.50 23.000 33.0 30.0 5.600000 ... 17.375 21.0 30.0 1.466667 0.730297 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
76 34.0 21.573529 5.889297 13.0 16.750 21.00 26.375 33.0 34.0 5.647059 ... 17.550 22.2 34.0 1.470588 0.706476 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
77 28.0 23.375000 6.675862 15.0 17.375 21.75 30.000 36.0 28.0 5.464286 ... 16.925 19.0 28.0 1.571429 0.835711 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
78 36.0 24.061111 6.898044 16.2 19.350 20.70 28.000 43.1 36.0 5.361111 ... 16.825 21.5 36.0 1.611111 0.837608 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
79 29.0 25.093103 6.794217 15.5 19.200 23.90 31.800 37.3 29.0 5.827586 ... 17.300 24.8 29.0 1.275862 0.591400 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0
80 29.0 33.696552 7.037983 19.1 29.800 32.70 38.100 46.6 29.0 4.137931 ... 18.700 23.7 29.0 2.206897 0.818505 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
81 29.0 30.334483 5.591465 17.6 26.600 31.60 34.400 39.1 29.0 4.620690 ... 17.300 20.7 29.0 1.965517 0.944259 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
82 31.0 31.709677 5.392548 22.0 27.000 32.00 36.000 44.0 31.0 4.193548 ... 18.000 24.6 31.0 1.645161 0.914636 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0

13 rows × 48 columns

In [12]:
model_year 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
mpg count 29.000000 28.000000 28.000000 40.000000 27.000000 30.000000 34.000000 28.000000 36.000000 29.000000 29.000000 29.000000 31.000000
mean 17.689655 21.250000 18.714286 17.100000 22.703704 20.266667 21.573529 23.375000 24.061111 25.093103 33.696552 30.334483 31.709677
std 5.339231 6.591942 5.435529 4.700245 6.420010 4.940566 5.889297 6.675862 6.898044 6.794217 7.037983 5.591465 5.392548
min 9.000000 12.000000 11.000000 11.000000 13.000000 13.000000 13.000000 15.000000 16.200000 15.500000 19.100000 17.600000 22.000000
25% 14.000000 15.500000 13.750000 13.000000 16.000000 16.000000 16.750000 17.375000 19.350000 19.200000 29.800000 26.600000 27.000000
50% 16.000000 19.000000 18.500000 16.000000 24.000000 19.500000 21.000000 21.750000 20.700000 23.900000 32.700000 31.600000 32.000000
75% 22.000000 27.000000 23.000000 20.000000 27.000000 23.000000 26.375000 30.000000 28.000000 31.800000 38.100000 34.400000 36.000000
max 27.000000 35.000000 28.000000 29.000000 32.000000 33.000000 33.000000 36.000000 43.100000 37.300000 46.600000 39.100000 44.000000
cylinders count 29.000000 28.000000 28.000000 40.000000 27.000000 30.000000 34.000000 28.000000 36.000000 29.000000 29.000000 29.000000 31.000000
mean 6.758621 5.571429 5.821429 6.375000 5.259259 5.600000 5.647059 5.464286 5.361111 5.827586 4.137931 4.620690 4.193548
std 1.724926 1.665079 2.073708 1.807215 1.583390 1.522249 1.667558 1.815206 1.495761 1.774199 0.580895 1.082781 0.601074
min 4.000000 4.000000 3.000000 3.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 3.000000 4.000000 4.000000 3.000000 4.000000 4.000000
25% 6.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000
50% 8.000000 6.000000 4.000000 7.000000 4.000000 6.000000 6.000000 4.000000 5.500000 6.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000
75% 8.000000 6.500000 8.000000 8.000000 6.000000 6.000000 7.500000 8.000000 6.000000 8.000000 4.000000 6.000000 4.000000
max 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 6.000000 8.000000 6.000000
displacement count 29.000000 28.000000 28.000000 40.000000 27.000000 30.000000 34.000000 28.000000 36.000000 29.000000 29.000000 29.000000 31.000000
mean 281.413793 209.750000 218.375000 256.875000 171.740741 205.533333 197.794118 191.392857 177.805556 206.689655 115.827586 135.310345 128.870968
std 124.421380 115.102410 123.781964 121.722085 92.601127 87.669730 94.422256 107.813742 76.012713 96.307581 33.744914 58.387929 39.352037
min 97.000000 71.000000 70.000000 68.000000 71.000000 90.000000 85.000000 79.000000 78.000000 85.000000 70.000000 79.000000 91.000000
25% 198.000000 97.750000 109.250000 121.750000 90.000000 121.000000 102.500000 97.750000 115.500000 121.000000 90.000000 98.000000 105.000000
50% 307.000000 228.500000 131.000000 276.000000 122.000000 228.000000 184.000000 143.000000 159.500000 183.000000 107.000000 119.000000 119.000000
75% 383.000000 273.000000 326.000000 350.250000 250.000000 250.000000 291.000000 270.500000 231.000000 302.000000 140.000000 151.000000 142.000000
max 455.000000 400.000000 429.000000 455.000000 350.000000 400.000000 351.000000 400.000000 318.000000 360.000000 225.000000 350.000000 262.000000
weight count 29.000000 28.000000 28.000000 40.000000 27.000000 30.000000 34.000000 28.000000 36.000000 29.000000 29.000000 29.000000 31.000000
mean 3372.793103 2995.428571 3237.714286 3419.025000 2877.925926 3176.800000 3078.735294 2997.357143 2861.805556 3055.344828 2436.655172 2522.931034 2453.548387
std 852.868663 1061.830859 974.520960 974.809133 949.308571 765.179781 821.371481 912.825902 626.023907 747.881497 432.235491 533.600501 354.276713
min 1835.000000 1613.000000 2100.000000 1867.000000 1649.000000 1795.000000 1795.000000 1825.000000 1800.000000 1915.000000 1835.000000 1755.000000 1965.000000
25% 2648.000000 2110.750000 2285.500000 2554.500000 2116.500000 2676.750000 2228.750000 2135.000000 2282.500000 2556.000000 2110.000000 2065.000000 2127.500000
50% 3449.000000 2798.000000 2956.000000 3338.500000 2489.000000 3098.500000 3171.500000 2747.500000 2910.000000 3190.000000 2335.000000 2385.000000 2525.000000
75% 4312.000000 3603.250000 4169.750000 4247.250000 3622.500000 3662.250000 3803.750000 3925.000000 3410.000000 3725.000000 2800.000000 2900.000000 2727.500000
max 4732.000000 5140.000000 4633.000000 4997.000000 4699.000000 4668.000000 4380.000000 4335.000000 4080.000000 4360.000000 3381.000000 3725.000000 3035.000000
acceleration count 29.000000 28.000000 28.000000 40.000000 27.000000 30.000000 34.000000 28.000000 36.000000 29.000000 29.000000 29.000000 31.000000
mean 12.948276 15.142857 15.125000 14.312500 16.203704 16.050000 15.941176 15.435714 15.805556 15.813793 16.934483 16.306897 16.638710
std 3.330982 2.666171 2.850032 2.754222 1.688532 2.471737 2.801419 2.273391 2.129915 2.952931 2.826694 2.192509 2.484844
min 8.000000 11.500000 11.000000 9.500000 13.500000 11.500000 12.000000 11.100000 11.200000 11.300000 11.400000 12.600000 11.600000
25% 10.000000 13.375000 13.375000 12.500000 15.250000 14.125000 13.925000 14.000000 14.475000 14.000000 15.100000 14.800000 14.850000
50% 12.500000 14.500000 14.500000 14.000000 16.000000 16.000000 15.500000 15.650000 15.750000 15.000000 16.500000 16.200000 16.400000
75% 15.000000 16.125000 16.625000 16.000000 17.000000 17.375000 17.550000 16.925000 16.825000 17.300000 18.700000 17.300000 18.000000
max 20.500000 20.500000 23.500000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 22.200000 19.000000 21.500000 24.800000 23.700000 20.700000 24.600000
origin count 29.000000 28.000000 28.000000 40.000000 27.000000 30.000000 34.000000 28.000000 36.000000 29.000000 29.000000 29.000000 31.000000
mean 1.310345 1.428571 1.535714 1.375000 1.666667 1.466667 1.470588 1.571429 1.611111 1.275862 2.206897 1.965517 1.645161
std 0.603765 0.741798 0.792658 0.667467 0.832050 0.730297 0.706476 0.835711 0.837608 0.591400 0.818505 0.944259 0.914636
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000
50% 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000
75% 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000
max 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000

Groupby Multiple Columns

Let's explore average mpg per year per cylinder count

In [13]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
70 4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
71 4 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
6 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000
8 13.428571 371.714286 4537.714286 12.214286 1.000000
72 3 19.000000 70.000000 2330.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 23.428571 111.535714 2382.642857 17.214286 1.928571
8 13.615385 344.846154 4228.384615 13.000000 1.000000
73 3 18.000000 70.000000 2124.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 22.727273 109.272727 2338.090909 17.136364 2.000000
6 19.000000 212.250000 2917.125000 15.687500 1.250000
8 13.200000 365.250000 4279.050000 12.250000 1.000000
74 4 27.800000 96.533333 2151.466667 16.400000 2.200000
6 17.857143 230.428571 3320.000000 16.857143 1.000000
8 14.200000 315.200000 4438.400000 14.700000 1.000000
75 4 25.250000 114.833333 2489.250000 15.833333 2.166667
6 17.583333 233.750000 3398.333333 17.708333 1.000000
8 15.666667 330.500000 4108.833333 13.166667 1.000000
76 4 26.766667 106.333333 2306.600000 16.866667 1.866667
6 20.000000 221.400000 3349.600000 17.000000 1.300000
8 14.666667 324.000000 4064.666667 13.222222 1.000000
77 3 21.500000 80.000000 2720.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 29.107143 106.500000 2205.071429 16.064286 1.857143
6 19.500000 220.400000 3383.000000 16.900000 1.400000
8 16.000000 335.750000 4177.500000 13.662500 1.000000
78 4 29.576471 112.117647 2296.764706 16.282353 2.117647
5 20.300000 131.000000 2830.000000 15.900000 2.000000
6 19.066667 213.250000 3314.166667 16.391667 1.166667
8 19.050000 300.833333 3563.333333 13.266667 1.000000
79 4 31.525000 113.583333 2357.583333 15.991667 1.583333
5 25.400000 183.000000 3530.000000 20.100000 2.000000
6 22.950000 205.666667 3025.833333 15.433333 1.000000
8 18.630000 321.400000 3862.900000 15.400000 1.000000
80 3 23.700000 70.000000 2420.000000 12.500000 3.000000
4 34.612000 111.000000 2360.080000 17.144000 2.200000
5 36.400000 121.000000 2950.000000 19.900000 2.000000
6 25.900000 196.500000 3145.500000 15.050000 2.000000
81 4 32.814286 108.857143 2275.476190 16.466667 2.095238
6 23.428571 184.000000 3093.571429 15.442857 1.714286
8 26.600000 350.000000 3725.000000 19.000000 1.000000
82 4 32.071429 118.571429 2402.321429 16.703571 1.714286
6 28.333333 225.000000 2931.666667 16.033333 1.000000
In [14]:
MultiIndex([(70, 4),
            (70, 6),
            (70, 8),
            (71, 4),
            (71, 6),
            (71, 8),
            (72, 3),
            (72, 4),
            (72, 8),
            (73, 3),
            (73, 4),
            (73, 6),
            (73, 8),
            (74, 4),
            (74, 6),
            (74, 8),
            (75, 4),
            (75, 6),
            (75, 8),
            (76, 4),
            (76, 6),
            (76, 8),
            (77, 3),
            (77, 4),
            (77, 6),
            (77, 8),
            (78, 4),
            (78, 5),
            (78, 6),
            (78, 8),
            (79, 4),
            (79, 5),
            (79, 6),
            (79, 8),
            (80, 3),
            (80, 4),
            (80, 5),
            (80, 6),
            (81, 4),
            (81, 6),
            (81, 8),
            (82, 4),
            (82, 6)],
           names=['model_year', 'cylinders'])


The MultiIndex Object

In [15]:
year_cyl = df.groupby(['model_year','cylinders']).mean()
In [16]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
70 4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
71 4 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
6 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000
8 13.428571 371.714286 4537.714286 12.214286 1.000000
72 3 19.000000 70.000000 2330.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 23.428571 111.535714 2382.642857 17.214286 1.928571
8 13.615385 344.846154 4228.384615 13.000000 1.000000
73 3 18.000000 70.000000 2124.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 22.727273 109.272727 2338.090909 17.136364 2.000000
6 19.000000 212.250000 2917.125000 15.687500 1.250000
8 13.200000 365.250000 4279.050000 12.250000 1.000000
74 4 27.800000 96.533333 2151.466667 16.400000 2.200000
6 17.857143 230.428571 3320.000000 16.857143 1.000000
8 14.200000 315.200000 4438.400000 14.700000 1.000000
75 4 25.250000 114.833333 2489.250000 15.833333 2.166667
6 17.583333 233.750000 3398.333333 17.708333 1.000000
8 15.666667 330.500000 4108.833333 13.166667 1.000000
76 4 26.766667 106.333333 2306.600000 16.866667 1.866667
6 20.000000 221.400000 3349.600000 17.000000 1.300000
8 14.666667 324.000000 4064.666667 13.222222 1.000000
77 3 21.500000 80.000000 2720.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 29.107143 106.500000 2205.071429 16.064286 1.857143
6 19.500000 220.400000 3383.000000 16.900000 1.400000
8 16.000000 335.750000 4177.500000 13.662500 1.000000
78 4 29.576471 112.117647 2296.764706 16.282353 2.117647
5 20.300000 131.000000 2830.000000 15.900000 2.000000
6 19.066667 213.250000 3314.166667 16.391667 1.166667
8 19.050000 300.833333 3563.333333 13.266667 1.000000
79 4 31.525000 113.583333 2357.583333 15.991667 1.583333
5 25.400000 183.000000 3530.000000 20.100000 2.000000
6 22.950000 205.666667 3025.833333 15.433333 1.000000
8 18.630000 321.400000 3862.900000 15.400000 1.000000
80 3 23.700000 70.000000 2420.000000 12.500000 3.000000
4 34.612000 111.000000 2360.080000 17.144000 2.200000
5 36.400000 121.000000 2950.000000 19.900000 2.000000
6 25.900000 196.500000 3145.500000 15.050000 2.000000
81 4 32.814286 108.857143 2275.476190 16.466667 2.095238
6 23.428571 184.000000 3093.571429 15.442857 1.714286
8 26.600000 350.000000 3725.000000 19.000000 1.000000
82 4 32.071429 118.571429 2402.321429 16.703571 1.714286
6 28.333333 225.000000 2931.666667 16.033333 1.000000
In [17]:
MultiIndex([(70, 4),
            (70, 6),
            (70, 8),
            (71, 4),
            (71, 6),
            (71, 8),
            (72, 3),
            (72, 4),
            (72, 8),
            (73, 3),
            (73, 4),
            (73, 6),
            (73, 8),
            (74, 4),
            (74, 6),
            (74, 8),
            (75, 4),
            (75, 6),
            (75, 8),
            (76, 4),
            (76, 6),
            (76, 8),
            (77, 3),
            (77, 4),
            (77, 6),
            (77, 8),
            (78, 4),
            (78, 5),
            (78, 6),
            (78, 8),
            (79, 4),
            (79, 5),
            (79, 6),
            (79, 8),
            (80, 3),
            (80, 4),
            (80, 5),
            (80, 6),
            (81, 4),
            (81, 6),
            (81, 8),
            (82, 4),
            (82, 6)],
           names=['model_year', 'cylinders'])
In [18]:
FrozenList([[70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82], [3, 4, 5, 6, 8]])
In [19]:
FrozenList(['model_year', 'cylinders'])

Indexing with the Hierarchical Index

Full Documentation:

In [20]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
70 4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
71 4 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
6 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000

Grab Based on Outside Index

In [21]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
In [22]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
70 4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
72 3 19.000000 70.000000 2330.000000 13.500000 3.000000
4 23.428571 111.535714 2382.642857 17.214286 1.928571
8 13.615385 344.846154 4228.384615 13.000000 1.000000

Grab a Single Row

In [23]:
mpg               14.111111
displacement     367.555556
weight          3940.055556
acceleration      11.194444
origin             1.000000
Name: (70, 8), dtype: float64

Grab Based on Cross-section with .xs()

This method takes a key argument to select data at a particular level of a MultiIndex.


key : label or tuple of label
    Label contained in the index, or partially in a MultiIndex.
axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}, default 0
    Axis to retrieve cross-section on.
level : object, defaults to first n levels (n=1 or len(key))
    In case of a key partially contained in a MultiIndex, indicate
    which levels are used. Levels can be referred by label or position.
In [24]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
In [25]:
# Mean column values for 4 cylinders per year
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
70 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
71 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
72 23.428571 111.535714 2382.642857 17.214286 1.928571
73 22.727273 109.272727 2338.090909 17.136364 2.000000
74 27.800000 96.533333 2151.466667 16.400000 2.200000
75 25.250000 114.833333 2489.250000 15.833333 2.166667
76 26.766667 106.333333 2306.600000 16.866667 1.866667
77 29.107143 106.500000 2205.071429 16.064286 1.857143
78 29.576471 112.117647 2296.764706 16.282353 2.117647
79 31.525000 113.583333 2357.583333 15.991667 1.583333
80 34.612000 111.000000 2360.080000 17.144000 2.200000
81 32.814286 108.857143 2275.476190 16.466667 2.095238
82 32.071429 118.571429 2402.321429 16.703571 1.714286

Careful note!

Keep in mind, its usually much easier to filter out values before running a groupby() call, so you should attempt to filter out any values/categories you don't want to use. For example, its much easier to remove 4 cylinder cars before the groupby() call, very difficult to this sort of thing after a group by.

In [26]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
70 6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
71 6 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000
8 13.428571 371.714286 4537.714286 12.214286 1.000000
72 8 13.615385 344.846154 4228.384615 13.000000 1.000000
73 6 19.000000 212.250000 2917.125000 15.687500 1.250000
8 13.200000 365.250000 4279.050000 12.250000 1.000000
74 6 17.857143 230.428571 3320.000000 16.857143 1.000000
8 14.200000 315.200000 4438.400000 14.700000 1.000000
75 6 17.583333 233.750000 3398.333333 17.708333 1.000000
8 15.666667 330.500000 4108.833333 13.166667 1.000000
76 6 20.000000 221.400000 3349.600000 17.000000 1.300000
8 14.666667 324.000000 4064.666667 13.222222 1.000000
77 6 19.500000 220.400000 3383.000000 16.900000 1.400000
8 16.000000 335.750000 4177.500000 13.662500 1.000000
78 6 19.066667 213.250000 3314.166667 16.391667 1.166667
8 19.050000 300.833333 3563.333333 13.266667 1.000000
79 6 22.950000 205.666667 3025.833333 15.433333 1.000000
8 18.630000 321.400000 3862.900000 15.400000 1.000000
80 6 25.900000 196.500000 3145.500000 15.050000 2.000000
81 6 23.428571 184.000000 3093.571429 15.442857 1.714286
8 26.600000 350.000000 3725.000000 19.000000 1.000000
82 6 28.333333 225.000000 2931.666667 16.033333 1.000000
In [27]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
cylinders model_year
4 70 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
6 70 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
8 70 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
4 71 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
6 71 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000
In [28]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
82 6 28.333333 225.000000 2931.666667 16.033333 1.000000
4 32.071429 118.571429 2402.321429 16.703571 1.714286
81 8 26.600000 350.000000 3725.000000 19.000000 1.000000
6 23.428571 184.000000 3093.571429 15.442857 1.714286
4 32.814286 108.857143 2275.476190 16.466667 2.095238
80 6 25.900000 196.500000 3145.500000 15.050000 2.000000
5 36.400000 121.000000 2950.000000 19.900000 2.000000
4 34.612000 111.000000 2360.080000 17.144000 2.200000
3 23.700000 70.000000 2420.000000 12.500000 3.000000
79 8 18.630000 321.400000 3862.900000 15.400000 1.000000
6 22.950000 205.666667 3025.833333 15.433333 1.000000
5 25.400000 183.000000 3530.000000 20.100000 2.000000
4 31.525000 113.583333 2357.583333 15.991667 1.583333
78 8 19.050000 300.833333 3563.333333 13.266667 1.000000
6 19.066667 213.250000 3314.166667 16.391667 1.166667
5 20.300000 131.000000 2830.000000 15.900000 2.000000
4 29.576471 112.117647 2296.764706 16.282353 2.117647
77 8 16.000000 335.750000 4177.500000 13.662500 1.000000
6 19.500000 220.400000 3383.000000 16.900000 1.400000
4 29.107143 106.500000 2205.071429 16.064286 1.857143
3 21.500000 80.000000 2720.000000 13.500000 3.000000
76 8 14.666667 324.000000 4064.666667 13.222222 1.000000
6 20.000000 221.400000 3349.600000 17.000000 1.300000
4 26.766667 106.333333 2306.600000 16.866667 1.866667
75 8 15.666667 330.500000 4108.833333 13.166667 1.000000
6 17.583333 233.750000 3398.333333 17.708333 1.000000
4 25.250000 114.833333 2489.250000 15.833333 2.166667
74 8 14.200000 315.200000 4438.400000 14.700000 1.000000
6 17.857143 230.428571 3320.000000 16.857143 1.000000
4 27.800000 96.533333 2151.466667 16.400000 2.200000
73 8 13.200000 365.250000 4279.050000 12.250000 1.000000
6 19.000000 212.250000 2917.125000 15.687500 1.250000
4 22.727273 109.272727 2338.090909 17.136364 2.000000
3 18.000000 70.000000 2124.000000 13.500000 3.000000
72 8 13.615385 344.846154 4228.384615 13.000000 1.000000
4 23.428571 111.535714 2382.642857 17.214286 1.928571
3 19.000000 70.000000 2330.000000 13.500000 3.000000
71 8 13.428571 371.714286 4537.714286 12.214286 1.000000
6 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000
4 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
70 8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
In [29]:
mpg displacement weight acceleration origin
model_year cylinders
81 8 26.600000 350.000000 3725.000000 19.000000 1.000000
79 8 18.630000 321.400000 3862.900000 15.400000 1.000000
78 8 19.050000 300.833333 3563.333333 13.266667 1.000000
77 8 16.000000 335.750000 4177.500000 13.662500 1.000000
76 8 14.666667 324.000000 4064.666667 13.222222 1.000000
75 8 15.666667 330.500000 4108.833333 13.166667 1.000000
74 8 14.200000 315.200000 4438.400000 14.700000 1.000000
73 8 13.200000 365.250000 4279.050000 12.250000 1.000000
72 8 13.615385 344.846154 4228.384615 13.000000 1.000000
71 8 13.428571 371.714286 4537.714286 12.214286 1.000000
70 8 14.111111 367.555556 3940.055556 11.194444 1.000000
82 6 28.333333 225.000000 2931.666667 16.033333 1.000000
81 6 23.428571 184.000000 3093.571429 15.442857 1.714286
80 6 25.900000 196.500000 3145.500000 15.050000 2.000000
79 6 22.950000 205.666667 3025.833333 15.433333 1.000000
78 6 19.066667 213.250000 3314.166667 16.391667 1.166667
77 6 19.500000 220.400000 3383.000000 16.900000 1.400000
76 6 20.000000 221.400000 3349.600000 17.000000 1.300000
75 6 17.583333 233.750000 3398.333333 17.708333 1.000000
74 6 17.857143 230.428571 3320.000000 16.857143 1.000000
73 6 19.000000 212.250000 2917.125000 15.687500 1.250000
71 6 18.000000 243.375000 3171.875000 14.750000 1.000000
70 6 20.500000 199.000000 2710.500000 15.500000 1.000000
80 5 36.400000 121.000000 2950.000000 19.900000 2.000000
79 5 25.400000 183.000000 3530.000000 20.100000 2.000000
78 5 20.300000 131.000000 2830.000000 15.900000 2.000000
82 4 32.071429 118.571429 2402.321429 16.703571 1.714286
81 4 32.814286 108.857143 2275.476190 16.466667 2.095238
80 4 34.612000 111.000000 2360.080000 17.144000 2.200000
79 4 31.525000 113.583333 2357.583333 15.991667 1.583333
78 4 29.576471 112.117647 2296.764706 16.282353 2.117647
77 4 29.107143 106.500000 2205.071429 16.064286 1.857143
76 4 26.766667 106.333333 2306.600000 16.866667 1.866667
75 4 25.250000 114.833333 2489.250000 15.833333 2.166667
74 4 27.800000 96.533333 2151.466667 16.400000 2.200000
73 4 22.727273 109.272727 2338.090909 17.136364 2.000000
72 4 23.428571 111.535714 2382.642857 17.214286 1.928571
71 4 27.461538 101.846154 2056.384615 16.961538 1.923077
70 4 25.285714 107.000000 2292.571429 16.000000 2.285714
80 3 23.700000 70.000000 2420.000000 12.500000 3.000000
77 3 21.500000 80.000000 2720.000000 13.500000 3.000000
73 3 18.000000 70.000000 2124.000000 13.500000 3.000000
72 3 19.000000 70.000000 2330.000000 13.500000 3.000000

Advanced: agg() method

The agg() method allows you to customize what aggregate functions you want per category

In [33]:
mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year origin name
0 18.0 8 307.0 130 3504 12.0 70 1 chevrolet chevelle malibu
1 15.0 8 350.0 165 3693 11.5 70 1 buick skylark 320
2 18.0 8 318.0 150 3436 11.0 70 1 plymouth satellite
3 16.0 8 304.0 150 3433 12.0 70 1 amc rebel sst
4 17.0 8 302.0 140 3449 10.5 70 1 ford torino
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
393 27.0 4 140.0 86 2790 15.6 82 1 ford mustang gl
394 44.0 4 97.0 52 2130 24.6 82 2 vw pickup
395 32.0 4 135.0 84 2295 11.6 82 1 dodge rampage
396 28.0 4 120.0 79 2625 18.6 82 1 ford ranger
397 31.0 4 119.0 82 2720 19.4 82 1 chevy s-10

398 rows × 9 columns

agg() on a DataFrame

In [35]:
# These strings need to match up with built-in method names
mpg cylinders displacement weight acceleration model_year origin
median 23.000000 4.000000 148.500000 2803.500000 15.50000 76.00000 1.000000
mean 23.514573 5.454774 193.425879 2970.424623 15.56809 76.01005 1.572864
In [41]:
mpg weight
sum 9358.800000 1.182229e+06
mean 23.514573 2.970425e+03

Specify aggregate methods per column

agg() is very powerful,allowing you to pass in a dictionary where the keys are the columns and the values are a list of aggregate methods.

In [43]:
mpg weight
mean 23.514573 2970.424623
median 23.000000 NaN
std NaN 846.841774

agg() with groupby()

In [44]:
mpg weight
median mean mean std
70 16.00 17.689655 3372.793103 852.868663
71 19.00 21.250000 2995.428571 1061.830859
72 18.50 18.714286 3237.714286 974.520960
73 16.00 17.100000 3419.025000 974.809133
74 24.00 22.703704 2877.925926 949.308571
75 19.50 20.266667 3176.800000 765.179781
76 21.00 21.573529 3078.735294 821.371481
77 21.75 23.375000 2997.357143 912.825902
78 20.70 24.061111 2861.805556 626.023907
79 23.90 25.093103 3055.344828 747.881497
80 32.70 33.696552 2436.655172 432.235491
81 31.60 30.334483 2522.931034 533.600501
82 32.00 31.709677 2453.548387 354.276713