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Supervised Learning Capstone Project - Tree Methods Focus - SOLUTIONS¶
Make sure to review the introduction video to understand the 3 ways of approaching this project exercise!¶
Ways to approach the project:
- Open a new notebook, read in the data, and then analyze and visualize whatever you want, then create a predictive model.
- Use this notebook as a general guide, completing the tasks in bold shown below.
- Skip to the solutions notebook and video, and treat project at a more relaxing code along walkthrough lecture series.
GOAL: Create a model to predict whether or not a customer will Churn .¶
Complete the Tasks in Bold Below!¶
Part 0: Imports and Read in the Data¶
TASK: Run the filled out cells below to import libraries and read in your data. The data file is "Telco-Customer-Churn.csv"
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_csv('../DATA/Telco-Customer-Churn.csv')
Part 1: Quick Data Check¶
TASK: Confirm quickly with .info() methods the datatypes and non-null values in your dataframe.
TASK: Get a quick statistical summary of the numeric columns with .describe() , you should notice that many columns are categorical, meaning you will eventually need to convert them to dummy variables.
TASK:Display the balance of the class labels (Churn) with a Count Plot.
TASK: Explore the distrbution of TotalCharges between Churn categories with a Box Plot or Violin Plot.
TASK: Create a boxplot showing the distribution of TotalCharges per Contract type, also add in a hue coloring based on the Churn class.
TASK: Create a bar plot showing the correlation of the following features to the class label. Keep in mind, for the categorical features, you will need to convert them into dummy variables first, as you can only calculate correlation for numeric features.
['gender', 'SeniorCitizen', 'Partner', 'Dependents','PhoneService', 'MultipleLines',
'OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'DeviceProtection', 'TechSupport', 'InternetService',
'StreamingTV', 'StreamingMovies', 'Contract', 'PaperlessBilling', 'PaymentMethod']
*Note, we specifically listed only the features above, you should not check the correlation for every feature, as some features have too many unique instances for such an analysis, such as customerID*
Part 3: Churn Analysis¶
This section focuses on segementing customers based on their tenure, creating "cohorts", allowing us to examine differences between customer cohort segments.
TASK: What are the 3 contract types available?
TASK: Create a histogram displaying the distribution of 'tenure' column, which is the amount of months a customer was or has been on a customer.
TASK: Now use the seaborn documentation as a guide to create histograms separated by two additional features, Churn and Contract.
TASK: Display a scatter plot of Total Charges versus Monthly Charges, and color hue by Churn.
Creating Cohorts based on Tenure¶
Let's begin by treating each unique tenure length, 1 month, 2 month, 3 month...N months as its own cohort.
TASK: Treating each unique tenure group as a cohort, calculate the Churn rate (percentage that had Yes Churn) per cohort. For example, the cohort that has had a tenure of 1 month should have a Churn rate of 61.99%. You should have cohorts 1-72 months with a general trend of the longer the tenure of the cohort, the less of a churn rate. This makes sense as you are less likely to stop service the longer you've had it.
TASK: Now that you have Churn Rate per tenure group 1-72 months, create a plot showing churn rate per months of tenure.
Broader Cohort Groups¶
TASK: Based on the tenure column values, create a new column called Tenure Cohort that creates 4 separate categories:
- '0-12 Months'
- '24-48 Months'
- '12-24 Months'
- 'Over 48 Months'
TASK: Create a scatterplot of Total Charges versus Monthly Charts,colored by Tenure Cohort defined in the previous task.
TASK: Create a count plot showing the churn count per cohort.
TASK: Create a grid of Count Plots showing counts per Tenure Cohort, separated out by contract type and colored by the Churn hue.
TASK : Separate out the data into X features and Y label. Create dummy variables where necessary and note which features are not useful and should be dropped.
TASK: Perform a train test split, holding out 10% of the data for testing. We'll use a random_state of 101 in the solutions notebook/video.
TASK: Decision Tree Perfomance. Complete the following tasks:
- Train a single decision tree model (feel free to grid search for optimal hyperparameters).
- Evaluate performance metrics from decision tree, including classification report and plotting a confusion matrix.
- Calculate feature importances from the decision tree.
- OPTIONAL: Plot your tree, note, the tree could be huge depending on your pruning, so it may crash your notebook if you display it with plot_tree.
Random Forest¶
TASK: Create a Random Forest model and create a classification report and confusion matrix from its predicted results on the test set.
Boosted Trees¶
TASK: Use AdaBoost or Gradient Boosting to create a model and report back the classification report and plot a confusion matrix for its predicted results
TASK: Analyze your results, which model performed best for you?
# With base models, we got best performance from an AdaBoostClassifier, but note, we didn't do any gridsearching AND most models performed about the same on the data set.