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Text Classification Assessment¶
Goal: Given a set of text movie reviews that have been labeled negative or positive¶
For more information on this dataset visit http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/
Complete the tasks in bold below!¶
Task: Perform imports and load the dataset into a pandas DataFrame
For this exercise you can load the dataset from '../DATA/moviereviews.csv'
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../DATA/moviereviews.csv')
TASK: Check to see if there are any missing values in the dataframe.
TASK: Remove any reviews that are NaN
TASK: Check to see if any reviews are blank strings and not just NaN. Note: This means a review text could just be: "" or " " or some other larger blank string. How would you check for this? Note: There are many ways! Once you've discovered the reviews that are blank strings, go ahead and remove them as well. Click me for a big hint
TASK: Confirm the value counts per label:
EDA on Bag of Words¶
Bonus Task: Can you figure out how to use a CountVectorizer model to get the top 20 words (that are not english stop words) per label type? Note, this is a bonus task as we did not show this in the lectures. But a quick cursory Google search should put you on the right path. Click me for a big hint
Training and Data¶
TASK: Split the data into features and a label (X and y) and then preform a train/test split. You may use whatever settings you like. To compare your results to the solution notebook, use test_size=0.20, random_state=101
Training a Mode¶
TASK: Create a PipeLine that will both create a TF-IDF Vector out of the raw text data and fit a supervised learning model of your choice. Then fit that pipeline on the training data.
TASK: Create a classification report and plot a confusion matrix based on the results of your PipeLine.