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Dealing with Outliers

In statistics, an outlier is a data point that differs significantly from other observations.An outlier may be due to variability in the measurement or it may indicate experimental error; the latter are sometimes excluded from the data set. An outlier can cause serious problems in statistical analyses.

Remember that even if a data point is an outlier, its still a data point! Carefully consider your data, its sources, and your goals whenver deciding to remove an outlier. Each case is different!

Lecture Goals

  • Understand different mathmatical definitions of outliers
  • Use Python tools to recognize outliers and remove them


In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Generating Data

In [2]:
# Choose a mean,standard deviation, and number of samples

def create_ages(mu=50,sigma=13,num_samples=100,seed=42):

    # Set a random seed in the same cell as the random call to get the same values as us
    # We set seed to 42 (42 is an arbitrary choice from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

    sample_ages = np.random.normal(loc=mu,scale=sigma,size=num_samples)
    sample_ages = np.round(sample_ages,decimals=0)
    return sample_ages
In [3]:
sample = create_ages()
In [4]:
array([56., 48., 58., 70., 47., 47., 71., 60., 44., 57., 44., 44., 53.,
       25., 28., 43., 37., 54., 38., 32., 69., 47., 51., 31., 43., 51.,
       35., 55., 42., 46., 42., 74., 50., 36., 61., 34., 53., 25., 33.,
       53., 60., 52., 48., 46., 31., 41., 44., 64., 54., 27., 54., 45.,
       41., 58., 63., 62., 39., 46., 54., 63., 44., 48., 36., 34., 61.,
       68., 49., 63., 55., 42., 55., 70., 50., 70., 16., 61., 51., 46.,
       51., 24., 47., 55., 69., 43., 39., 43., 62., 54., 43., 57., 51.,
       63., 41., 46., 45., 31., 54., 53., 50., 47.])

Visualize and Describe the Data

In [5]:
In [6]:
In [7]:
ser = pd.Series(sample)
count    100.00000
mean      48.66000
std       11.82039
min       16.00000
25%       42.00000
50%       48.00000
75%       55.25000
max       74.00000
dtype: float64

Trimming or Fixing Based Off Domain Knowledge

If we know we're dealing with a dataset pertaining to voting age (18 years old in the USA), then it makes sense to either drop anything less than that OR fix values lower than 18 and push them up to 18.

In [11]:
ser[ser > 18]
0     56.0
1     48.0
2     58.0
3     70.0
4     47.0
95    31.0
96    54.0
97    53.0
98    50.0
99    47.0
Length: 99, dtype: float64
In [12]:
# It dropped one person
len(ser[ser > 18])
In [13]:
def fix_values(age):
    if age < 18:
        return 18
        return age
In [14]:
# "Fixes" one person's age
0     56.0
1     48.0
2     58.0
3     70.0
4     47.0
95    31.0
96    54.0
97    53.0
98    50.0
99    47.0
Length: 100, dtype: float64
In [15]:

Ames Data Set

Let's explore any extreme outliers in our Ames Housing Data Set

In [16]:
df = pd.read_csv("../DATA/Ames_Housing_Data.csv")
In [17]:
PID MS SubClass MS Zoning Lot Frontage Lot Area Street Alley Lot Shape Land Contour Utilities ... Pool Area Pool QC Fence Misc Feature Misc Val Mo Sold Yr Sold Sale Type Sale Condition SalePrice
0 526301100 20 RL 141.0 31770 Pave NaN IR1 Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 5 2010 WD Normal 215000
1 526350040 20 RH 80.0 11622 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN MnPrv NaN 0 6 2010 WD Normal 105000
2 526351010 20 RL 81.0 14267 Pave NaN IR1 Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN Gar2 12500 6 2010 WD Normal 172000
3 526353030 20 RL 93.0 11160 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 4 2010 WD Normal 244000
4 527105010 60 RL 74.0 13830 Pave NaN IR1 Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN MnPrv NaN 0 3 2010 WD Normal 189900

5 rows × 81 columns

In [21]:
In [25]:
PID               -0.246521
Enclosed Porch    -0.128787
Kitchen AbvGr     -0.119814
Overall Cond      -0.101697
MS SubClass       -0.085092
Low Qual Fin SF   -0.037660
Bsmt Half Bath    -0.035835
Yr Sold           -0.030569
Misc Val          -0.015691
BsmtFin SF 2       0.005891
3Ssn Porch         0.032225
Mo Sold            0.035259
Pool Area          0.068403
Screen Porch       0.112151
Bedroom AbvGr      0.143913
Bsmt Unf SF        0.182855
Lot Area           0.266549
2nd Flr SF         0.269373
Bsmt Full Bath     0.276050
Half Bath          0.285056
Open Porch SF      0.312951
Wood Deck SF       0.327143
Lot Frontage       0.357318
BsmtFin SF 1       0.432914
Fireplaces         0.474558
TotRms AbvGrd      0.495474
Mas Vnr Area       0.508285
Garage Yr Blt      0.526965
Year Remod/Add     0.532974
Full Bath          0.545604
Year Built         0.558426
1st Flr SF         0.621676
Total Bsmt SF      0.632280
Garage Area        0.640401
Garage Cars        0.647877
Gr Liv Area        0.706780
Overall Qual       0.799262
SalePrice          1.000000
Name: SalePrice, dtype: float64
In [20]:
In [29]:
sns.scatterplot(x='Overall Qual',y='SalePrice',data=df)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Overall Qual', ylabel='SalePrice'>
In [31]:
df[(df['Overall Qual']>8) & (df['SalePrice']<200000)]
PID MS SubClass MS Zoning Lot Frontage Lot Area Street Alley Lot Shape Land Contour Utilities ... Pool Area Pool QC Fence Misc Feature Misc Val Mo Sold Yr Sold Sale Type Sale Condition SalePrice
1182 533350090 60 RL NaN 24572 Pave NaN IR1 Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 6 2008 WD Family 150000
1498 908154235 60 RL 313.0 63887 Pave NaN IR3 Bnk AllPub ... 480 Gd NaN NaN 0 1 2008 New Partial 160000
2180 908154195 20 RL 128.0 39290 Pave NaN IR1 Bnk AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN Elev 17000 10 2007 New Partial 183850
2181 908154205 60 RL 130.0 40094 Pave NaN IR1 Bnk AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 10 2007 New Partial 184750

4 rows × 81 columns

In [27]:
sns.scatterplot(x='Gr Liv Area',y='SalePrice',data=df)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Gr Liv Area', ylabel='SalePrice'>
In [32]:
df[(df['Gr Liv Area']>4000) & (df['SalePrice']<400000)]
PID MS SubClass MS Zoning Lot Frontage Lot Area Street Alley Lot Shape Land Contour Utilities ... Pool Area Pool QC Fence Misc Feature Misc Val Mo Sold Yr Sold Sale Type Sale Condition SalePrice
1498 908154235 60 RL 313.0 63887 Pave NaN IR3 Bnk AllPub ... 480 Gd NaN NaN 0 1 2008 New Partial 160000
2180 908154195 20 RL 128.0 39290 Pave NaN IR1 Bnk AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN Elev 17000 10 2007 New Partial 183850
2181 908154205 60 RL 130.0 40094 Pave NaN IR1 Bnk AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 10 2007 New Partial 184750

3 rows × 81 columns

In [33]:
df[(df['Gr Liv Area']>4000) & (df['SalePrice']<400000)].index
Int64Index([1498, 2180, 2181], dtype='int64')
In [34]:
ind_drop = df[(df['Gr Liv Area']>4000) & (df['SalePrice']<400000)].index
In [35]:
df = df.drop(ind_drop,axis=0)
In [36]:
sns.scatterplot(x='Gr Liv Area',y='SalePrice',data=df)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Gr Liv Area', ylabel='SalePrice'>
In [37]:
sns.scatterplot(x='Overall Qual',y='SalePrice',data=df)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Overall Qual', ylabel='SalePrice'>
In [38]:
